Midtown Dental Blog

Are Dentures Custom-Made to Fit in My Mouth?

If you are missing the majority of your teeth – or all of them – dentures will give you back your smile. They also give you back functionality, so it isn’t just about your appearance. Read our blog post for answers to denture related questions.

Scientists Discover How to Regrow Tooth Enamel

Tooth enamel has been thought to be something that once you’ve lost it, you can’t get it back. However, a recent study has shown that scientists have actually discovered how to regrow tooth enamel. Read our blog post to learn more about tooth enamel and efforts to regrow it.

How to Avoid Costly Dental Visits

Taking care of your dental health should never burn a hole in your wallet. At Midtown Dental, it’s our goal to provide superior dental care to all of our patients regardless of their budgetary constraints. Read our blog post for details!

Affordable Dentistry for Utah State Students

We are so proud to serve the Logan community with dental care that’s centered on quality and compassion. We also love that our city is home to Utah State University and its students. Check out our blog post for a look at two of our convenient financial options particularly suited to Utah State students looking for affordable dentistry.

Back-to-School Cleanings & Exams

It seems like summer is flying by and before long you’ll be getting the kids suited up with new clothes and stocked up on supplies for class. While you’re doing your back-to-school prep, don’t forget to schedule a dental cleaning and exam for your child! Check out our blog post for the benefits of scheduling now!

What Can I Do About Wisdom Tooth Pain?

Wisdom tooth pain is no fun. If you’re experiencing wisdom tooth pain, chances are you’re searching for remedies to help ease your pain and help you get back to your life. Read our blog post where we explain why wisdom teeth are so problematic, as well as provide some suggestions for what to do about your wisdom tooth pain.

What Is the Lifespan of My Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a wonderful option for anyone looking for a great smile. They can help with several dental issues including chipped, misshapen, or small teeth, misalignment, and discoloration. Read our blog post for answers to questions about how long veneers will last and how to properly care for them.

What Do Dental Hygienists Do?

You see your dental hygienist twice a year, and you have done so for your whole life, right? But do you have any idea what they’re doing while they scrape away at your teeth? There’s more to the role than meets the eye. Read our blog post to learn more about the dental hygienist’s crucial role.
Midtown Dental

Midtown Dental