Brunette woman smiling with her eyes closed and her hands on her cheeks

If you’re suffering from broken teeth, discoloration, or unsightly gaps in your grin and you’re searching for custom dental veneers in Logan, look no further! You don’t have to settle for low self-confidence and closed-mouth smiles thanks to porcelain veneers. It’s now easier than ever before to dramatically change your smile from less than average to absolutely fantastic!

Contact us at
(435) 753-0505 or submit our online form below.

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Photo representation of the porcelain veneers process

The Porcelain Veneers Process

Porcelain veneers can transform your smile in as little as two easy visits! Your first visit will be an initial consultation with Dr. Hunsaker, where he will help you determine if dental veneers are the right choice for your smile. Traditional veneers are thin shells of porcelain affixed to your teeth by a special-grade cement material. They look and feel just like your natural teeth. After we design and create your customized veneers, we shave down a thin layer of enamel from off your natural teeth so that the veneers will fit in seamlessly with your smile. We bond the shells onto the new surface of your teeth, and then your new, custom smile is set! If cared for properly, your veneers could last more than 15 years.

Your Cosmetic Dentist

Dr. Hunsaker has a unique passion for cosmetic dentistry and has won several awards for his work in the field. If you’ve been searching for a highly qualified cosmetic dentist in Logan that offers veneers and other advanced cosmetic services, look no further than Midtown dental. Our team loves helping patients achieve their dream smiles, whether it’s through a few teeth whitening treatments or a complete smile makeover using custom porcelain veneers!

Young man in a white shirt smiling wide

The Beautiful Benefits of Veneers

Do you know what people first notice about you? Your smile. It can even affect your lifestyle and self-confidence. Put your best smile forward by giving yourself the smile you’ve always dreamed of having. Smile brighter with porcelain veneers!

How Much Do Porcelain Veneers Cost?

If you’re wondering how you can fit veneers into your budget, don’t worry. We provide a wide array of financial options so that you can get the care you need and feel confident in your smile! One of the best ways to get the veneers you want is by using CareCredit® third-party financing. It’s just like a credit card reserved just for your healthcare finances. There are even options for little to no interest! Apply today and get a credit decision within minutes!

Do veneers hurt?

Getting veneers generally involves minimal discomfort. The procedure typically requires removing a small amount of enamel from the front of the teeth, which may cause mild sensitivity. However, local anesthesia is used to ensure the patient’s comfort during this process. After the veneers are placed, some patients may experience temporary sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, but this usually subsides within a few days. Overall, the procedure is not known for being painful, and any discomfort is usually manageable.

Who is a good candidate for veneers?

A good candidate for veneers is someone with healthy teeth and gums who is looking to improve the appearance of their smile. Veneers are ideal for patients with cosmetic concerns such as stained, chipped, or slightly misaligned teeth. They are also suitable for closing small gaps between teeth or for enhancing the shape of teeth. However, patients with significant tooth decay, gum disease, or those who grind their teeth heavily may need to address these issues before considering veneers to ensure the best results.

How do you care for veneers?

Caring for veneers involves maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including brushing twice a day with a non-abrasive toothpaste and flossing daily. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also important to monitor the health of your teeth and veneers. Avoid biting or chewing on hard objects, such as ice or pens, to prevent chipping. If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a night guard can help protect your veneers. With proper care, veneers can maintain their appearance and function for many years.

What is the best material for veneers?

Porcelain is often considered the best material for veneers due to its durability, stain resistance, and natural appearance. Porcelain veneers closely mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth, providing a realistic and aesthetically pleasing result.

Are there any additional fees or follow-up visits?

There may be additional fees for veneers, depending on the complexity of your case and the number of veneers needed. Follow-up visits are usually required to check the fit and comfort of the veneers and to make any necessary adjustments. Our team will discuss all potential costs and the need for follow-up appointments with you during the initial consultation—we never want to surprise patients with hidden costs.

Can veneers cause sensitivity or pain?

Veneers can cause temporary sensitivity or discomfort, especially in the days following the procedure. This is usually due to the removal of a small amount of enamel from the teeth to place the veneers. Any sensitivity typically resolves on its own, but using desensitizing toothpaste and avoiding very hot or cold foods can help. If pain or sensitivity persists, it’s important to consult our office.

What happens if a veneer falls off or cracks?

If a veneer falls off or cracks, it’s essential to contact our team immediately. Avoid using the affected tooth to chew and keep the veneer safe if it has fallen off. Dr. Hunsaker will evaluate the situation and determine whether the veneer can be reattached or if a new one is needed. Prompt attention helps prevent further damage to the tooth or surrounding veneers.

What habits or foods should be avoided to improve the longevity of veneers?

To improve the longevity of veneers, avoid biting hard objects like ice, pens, or fingernails, as these can chip or crack the veneers. It’s also wise to limit or avoid foods and beverages that can stain, such as coffee, red wine, and dark berries. Using a mouthguard during sports and avoiding teeth grinding (bruxism) will also help protect your veneers and prolong their lifespan.

How can I schedule a veneers consultation with Dr. Hunsaker?

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hunsaker, you can call our office directly or send us a message through our virtual contact form. Our friendly Logan dental team can assist you with selecting a convenient time and answer any preliminary questions you may have about the consultation process.

Ready for a brand new smile?

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Midtown Dental

Midtown Dental