Wisdom Teeth Removal in
Logan, UT

Are your wisdom teeth causing you discomfort? If so, you may be in need of wisdom teeth removal. Our skilled team performs gentle wisdom teeth extractions to preserve your oral health and protect your existing teeth. If your wisdom teeth haven’t come in yet, don’t worry. A simple X-ray can show us if you have enough room in your jaw for them to erupt!
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Wisdom Teeth 101
Wisdom teeth, your third set of molars, erupt in the very back of your jaw on the upper and lower arch. Wisdom teeth usually come in sometime between the ages of 15 to 25. Some people have enough room for their wisdom teeth and don’t experience any problems. However, it’s not uncommon for them to cause some complications.
What is an impacted wisdom tooth?
If a tooth is impacted, it is being prevented from breaking through the gums and growing in properly. This can happen because other teeth are blocking the impacted wisdom tooth or the tooth is growing in at an angle and not straight up. Impacted wisdom tooth removal requires an incision to be made in the gums to reach the tooth and extract it.
How do I know if I have a dry socket?
Dry sockets are usually quite painful, which is how many patients realize that something is wrong. You may also notice that the socket looks or feels different, or you start to experience bad breath or an unpleasant taste in your mouth. If this happens, please get in touch with our front office right away so we can clean the socket, apply medication to prevent infection, and offer pain relief.
How will I know if I need my wisdom teeth removed?
You may feel some pain or tenderness toward the back of your mouth, which is a sign that your wisdom teeth are growing in. There’s no way to tell if you need your wisdom teeth removed on your own, which is why we recommend scheduling routine dental exams and cleanings with our team so we can examine your wisdom teeth regularly using dental X-rays.
What happens if I don’t get my wisdom teeth extracted?
Your wisdom teeth may not be causing any noticeable problems right now, but if it is determined that a wisdom tooth extraction will be needed in the future, it’s best not to put it off for too long. In addition to pain, wisdom teeth can also cause issues including:
- Tooth Decay
- Gum Disease
- Damage to Nearby Teeth
- Misalignment of Teeth
- Infection
- Cysts
What can you eat after you remove your wisdom teeth?
After your wisdom teeth removal procedure is complete, we recommend sticking to soft foods for the week after your appointment. Avoid any tough meats and hard foods that could injure the healing area. When it comes to drinks, don’t use straws while your mouth is healing. Straws can cause dry socket which will slow down your recovery process and potentially lead to infection.
Can you be sedated during wisdom teeth surgery?
Yes, many patients get some form of sedation during their extractions. We also completely numb the area around the tooth. We do everything we can to ensure that you feel comfortable and at ease throughout the process.
When do you need wisdom teeth removal?
Every patient is different, so this answer will vary on a case-by-case basis. However, these are some of the most common issues with wisdom teeth that lead to the need for removal:
- Crowding Other Teeth
- Erupting at Angle
- Impaction
- Infection
- Not Enough Room in Jaw