When you experience a dental emergency, it’s important to get care quickly. Many problems get worse the longer you wait. Read our blog post to find out if wisdom teeth removal counts as a dental emergency.
Your toothbrush is one of the most important tools to help you preserve your healthy smile. Although many of us don’t think twice about our toothbrushes once we’re done using them, caring for them will only enhance your oral health care routine. Check out our blog post for some tips on how to care for your toothbrush to make the very most of your routine every time you brush.
If you have a tooth that is chipped, cracked, or damaged, it can be hard to imagine having a perfect smile again. Dental crowns are a common restorative option for those who’d like to enhance the appearance of their smile. Read our blog post where we break down the pros and cons of dental crowns so you can make an informed decision.
Gum disease may be one of the most common dental problems that occur. But it’s also fairly easy to prevent and treat in early cases. Read our blog post to learn about gum disease and how to prevent it.
History has shown that having white teeth has been desirable over the years. Check out our blog post where we take a road through time and take a look at how people used to whiten their teeth and how we do it today.
It may be tempting to skip flossing when taking care of your oral health at home, but flossing is a quick, easy, and essential part of keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Read our blog post to see how important flossing is to maintaining your oral health.
If you feel scared or anxious about going to the dentist, you’re not the only one. Researchers estimate that between 50 and 80 percent of Americans experience some level of dental anxiety. Whatever your reason for feeling dental anxiety, our team is here for you. Read our blog post where we share a few tips to make your office experience as comfortable as possible.
Few cosmetic procedures can have an immediate impact on your smile like dental veneers. Because veneers deliver a smile ready for prime time, they’re a common choice for celebrities and our patients alike. Read our blog post for a look at five celebrities with dental veneers.
If you have a damaged or infected tooth, generally speaking, it’s better to save a natural tooth as much as possible. There are some cases where it would be better to extract the tooth. Every person and their situation is different. Read our blog post for details of saving or extracting a tooth.
Have you been having issues related to persistent tooth grinding and clenching? There is actually a simple and effective solution available to address the issue. Read our blog post where we discuss the benefits that you would see after introducing a nightguard into your routine.